Welcome to the online gallery of Gloria F. Ross Tapestries. You may view all Gloria F. Ross Tapestries grouped by Artists/Designers, by Weavers/Studios, or by title in the GFR Tapestry List. CLICK on thumbnail images to show a larger photo and more data.
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About the GFR Tapestries
Gloria Frankenthaler Ross (1923-1998) orchestrated just over 100 tapestry and hooked-rug designs created by 30 American and European artists and designers from 1963 to 1997. From these designs, she worked with weavers and craftspeople in New York, the Navajo Nation, Scotland, France, Portugal, Turkey, and China to produce about 250 handwoven tapestries and carpets. These were woven as single panels or in multiples of five to seven textiles with the same image.
This online gallery presents the known Gloria F. Ross Tapestry and Carpet designs. The GFR Tapestry Program is currently working on a book, Gloria F. Ross & Modern Tapestry, and so information is often updated. We’re seeking more information about these and other tapestries held in public, corporate, and private collections. There is no centrally owned collection of GFR Tapestries. The GFR Tapestry Program, a non-profit research institute, owns no tapestries or other textiles. Only the names of public institutions and corporations are listed here.
We welcome your comments about this web gallery and information on the whereabouts of Gloria F. Ross Tapestries & Carpets. Please contact us through our Contact Us page.
Some tapestry titles are prefaced with the word “after” (as in “after This Day”). This indicates that the woven work followed from an extant painting, drawing, print, or collage (in this example, a Frankenthaler painting titled This Day). Others were made from an artwork called a maquette, which was created exclusively as a tapestry design.
This text was compiled and written from materials in the Gloria F. Ross Archives by Ann Lane Hedlund, with assistance from Bobbie Gibel, Darden Bradshaw, Barbro Huth, Heather Mikolaj, Olga Neuts, Karen Pennesi, Nick Smith, and Li Sun. We thank the owners, artists, weavers, studios, galleries, museums, and other organizations who granted permissions and provided imagery for this web presentation.
The GFR Tapestry Program is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others. We have taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the reproduction of all content on these pages is with full consent of copyright owners, when permission for reproduction was not already acquired by Gloria F. Ross. Gloria F. Ross Tapestries and Carpets are copyrighted by the individual artists, their estates, or their assigns, except where specifically noted. We are grateful to the executors of the Gloria F. Ross estate for permission to reproduce many images here. The Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY and Visual Artists and Galleries Association, Inc. (VAGA), New York, NY, provide excellent resources for copyright research.
Text, web design, graphics, and related artwork: © The Gloria F. Ross Tapestry Program. Copyright and other proprietary rights may be held by individuals or entities other than, or in addition to, the GFR Tapestry Program. It is prohibited to reproduce, modify, adapt or otherwise use any of the images or information comprising or contained within this website in any manner or form without the express written permission of the copyright holders.
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