The GFR Tapestry Program values active exchanges among our varied constituents, the GFR Program coordinates and helps to organize professional gatherings that bring together tapestry weavers, textile scholars, collectors, and the public.”
Spring 2005
“Navajo Weaving Now!,” a four-day symposium on April 14-17, 2005, was organized by the GFR Tapestry Center in Tucson. The event celebrated the Arizona State Museum’s exhibition, “Navajo Weaving: 19th Century Blankets; 20th Century Rugs; 21st Century Views,” curated by Ann Hedlund and Navajo weavers Barbara, Sierra and Michael Ornelas. Open in the galleries from October 2004 through May 2005, the exhibition is now available for viewing online at the Arizona State Museum website.
Fall 2003
“Navajo Weaving in the 19th Century: History, Materials, Design,” a two-day symposium on October 10-12, 2003, was held at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by the GFR Center for Tapestry Studies, the event was offered in conjunction with the Textile Museum’s exhibition, “Navajo Blankets of the 19th Century,” curated by Ann Hedlund and on display at the museum from September 5, 2003, until March 14, 2004. For more information, see Textile Museum and News Releases.
Spring 2003
The GFR Center collaborated with the American Tapestry Alliance to bring a symposium, “Looking at Tapestries: Views by Weavers and Scholars,” to Chicago in March 2003. GFR Center trustee Mary Lane and ATA planner Ruth Manning organized the program of speakers, while director Ann Hedlund coordinated symposium activities. See Looking at Tapestries for more information.
Winter 2000
Together with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, the GFR Center organized a one-day seminar, “Southwest Indian Tapestry Traditions,” in February 2000 at the Wildflower Center in Austin. Director Ann Hedlund gave a slide-illustrated presentation and moderated the session, which included speakers DY Begay (GFR associate), Kalley Keams Lucero, Micah Lomaomvaya, Laurie Webster, and Susan Brown McGreevy (GFR associate, past board president, and trustee emerita).
Fall 2000
The GFR Center played several major roles in organizing the seventh biennial symposium of the Textile Society of America, “Approaching Textiles, Varying Viewpoints,” which occurred in September 2000 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Director Ann Hedlund served as symposium coordinator and program chair; administrative assistant Angelica Afanador tracked proposals, collated speaker submissions, and designed both the registration brochure and the symposium program of events.
Winter 1999
In February 1999, the American Tapestry Alliance (ATA) and the GFR Center collaborated on ATA’s symposium, “Southwest Influence on Contemporary Tapestry” in Tucson, Arizona. ATA board members Mary Dieterich and Olga Neuts (GFR associate and volunteer) organized the innovative program that traveled to three local tapestry exhibitions. The GFR Center provided programming, exhibition, promotion, and logistics advice and support. Director Ann Hedlund participated in a closing panel discussion. The GFR Center produced a videotape of the event that documents the exhibitions, presentations by invited speakers, and exchanges among all participants. See Articles and News Releases for more information.
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